Fibreglass Pools in Brisbane: What to Know? 

Fibreglass Pools in Brisbane: What to Know? 

Whether you already have a pool or considering getting one on your property, you will need careful consideration. Residential homes are of great value, there’s no denying that. However, choosing the right set of features to improve the quality of your life, and home and to increase its curb value, understanding what kind of pools work the best for you is of great importance. Fibreglass pools are an interesting option if you’re looking to add or replace your existing pool.

Concrete vs. Fibreglass Pools in Brisbane: What Do You Need to Know?

Fibreglass pools are pre-formed shells built out of a mould. The material is made of glass-reinforced plastic with glass filaments combined with sap. The glass fibres provide reinforcement to the cured resin and result in a kind of plastic material that shapes into the mould applied. A gel coat provides a finished, glossy surface on the inside of each shell. This shell is delivered to the installation site, then a hole of such shape and size that it can be placed on top. The shell is set securely in place using a mix of concrete, rock and sand to stabilise it while filling the pond with water.

A concrete pool is constructed on-site, and that starts with excavating a hole. A rebar frame is set up to create the desired shape, and then a layer of concrete is sprayed or poured over everything, this shapes your pool. After this, the inside walls will be given a kiss coat to help seal the porous underlying concrete. The usual practice is to cover these joints with a thick layer of mortar known as plaster. Other alternates are an exposed aggregate (which is essentially mortar with a ton of very small rocks mixed in) or tile.

When it comes to choosing one from these two, fibreglass is a great option and the reason is simple – you do not need to maintain it as much as a concrete pool. 

How to Get Fibreglass Pools in Brisbane? 

Although you can DIY a pool, it is recommended to use professional services. Professionals bring state-of-the-art techniques and handle the entire project without any worries. Here is how you can find a good fibreglass pool builder in Brisbane

  1. Check if You have Space for a Pool 

The first step is to have a look at your property and see if you can house a pool. Depending on the space you have, you can either have an indoor or outdoor pool. If you are sure you can fit a pool on your property, it is essential to get a professional opinion once you choose a pool builder. 

  1. Choose the Type of Pool You Want 

Next, figure out what kind of pool you need, after which you can decide on a few specific details. These details can include selecting the appropriate size, choosing whether you want an attached spa and picking out extras like swim platforms (do they work for you?) safety ledges; etc. You can customise your pool in a myriad of ways. The details, of course, will be handled better by an experienced team but you should ideally have a rough idea as to what goes into the mix.

  1. Choosing a Pool Builder 

Consider choosing a pool builder for your requirements. Start with a quick Google search. You can use keywords like “bool builder” or “ builders for fibreglass pools in Brisbane” and choose the ones that are closer to you. Furthermore, check the Google Reviews when you’re selecting them. Choose the ones with a higher number of stars. 

  1. Ask the Right Questions

After you have shortlisted a few pool builders, get in touch with them. You can either meet them in person or have them connect through a phone call. To gauge their experience and expertise in building the pool that you want, here are a few questions you can ask them: 

  • Are you licenced and registered? 
  • Do you have experience with similar projects? 
  • Will you have a look at my property and tell me if my idea of a pool is realistic or not? 
  • How will you charge me for your service? Will you provide the estimate in writing? 
  • Do you offer guarantees and warranties? 
  • Can I see a few examples of the pools you have built in the past? 
  • How long do you think this project will take? 

Once you are satisfied with the answers provided by the pool builder, you can hire them. Always remember to get estimates from different builders, this helps you choose quality as well as a good price. 

Fibreglass Pools in Brisbane: The Takeaway 

Fibreglass pools are not that different from concrete ones. However, there are some benefits to choosing a fibreglass pool. These pools are: 

  • Durable, and will last a long time.
  • You will not have to worry about scrapped knees and elbows. 
  • These offer a neat finish. 
  • They are also low-maintenance. 

Paradise Pools offers you quality and confidence when you hire them. Working with only the best professionals for their services. The team here also handles designing a pool in whichever way you want. They also use quality products to make your pools and offer you tips as well. To hire the team here at Paradise Pools, give them a call at 1300819060. The company also offers you free quotes.  

Home Improvement