What Is an HPV DNA Test and How Does It Work?

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Epidemiological research has revealed that HPV or the human papillomavirus is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. Some estimates point out that over 80% of sexually active individuals are likely to have at least one infection before the age of 45 years. The necessity of an HPV DNA test is evident in the complications which can arise due to a delay in detection. Learn more about the significance of the DNA test for the diagnosis of HPV infection in this post.

Why Do You Need an HPV Test?

The severity of the consequences of HPV infection is probably the strongest reason to conduct HPV tests. One of the basic objectives of the HPV test focuses on screening for the virus responsible for cervical cancer. Around 341,000 new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed every year in the world. It is also the second most common cause of cancer in women within the age group of 15 to 44 years.

HPV test utilizes a sample of cells to determine the presence of HPV infection, which can induce the growth of cervical cells. With the help of an HPV test, you can identify the strain of the virus responsible for the infection, thereby supporting effective treatment.

What is the Importance of HPV DNA Testing?

Why do you need to test DNA in HPV tests? The HPV DNA test involves an examination of the patient’s cell for the DNA or genetic material of HPV. The DNA test also involves HPV genotyping, which can help in identifying the strain of HPV responsible for the infection. Doctors take samples of cervical cells by using a soft brush and spatula for female patients. On the other hand, doctors would inspect the lesions on the penis, oral areas, or around the anus and recommend an anal pap smear for collecting samples.  

The preparation for DNA testing for HPV infection involves simple steps. You don’t have to follow any complicated procedures or special recommendations to ensure the best results in HPV DNA testing. Make sure that you avoid intercourse, tampons, or douching around 24 hours before the test.

How Can the DNA Test Help HPV Patients?

The problem with sexually transmitted diseases such as HPV is the lack of direction for identifying suitable treatment plans. How can you treat a disease when you don’t know that you have been infected? HPV DNA testing is the perfect example of using genetic testing as an effective tool for addressing the concerns of patients.

Based on the findings of the DNA test, doctors can recommend normal monitoring, interaction with specialists, colposcopy, or a biopsy. A simple test can help you avoid the negative consequences of one of the most common and fatal sexually transmitted infections.


The importance of HPV DNA testing is evident in its advantages for identifying one of the leading causes of sexually transmitted infections. HPV can cause cancerous growth of cells in the cervix and other areas with mucus cells. Learn more about HPV DNA testing, its pricing, and important factors associated with the test for the best results.