5 Questions on Urinary Tract Infections that Urologists Frequently Encounter

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is a common urinary infection. Bacteria cause this infection by entering the urinary system through the urethra, via the skin or rectum. While UTI can infect any part of the urinary system, bladder infection (cystitis) is the most common.

Kidney infection or pyelonephritis is another type of UTI, which is more severe than bladder infections, though it is less common. For certain reasons, this infection is more common in women than in men. Women’s urethras are shorter than men’s, making them more vulnerable to acquiring UTIs.

Since it is a common ailment, urologists frequently encounter people with questions and doubts regarding the same. The article compiles detailed answers to some of those questions to help boost your knowledge of this medical condition. Go on reading to know the specifics.

What are the Common Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection?

The most common symptoms of UTI include:

1. You may experience pain or a burning sensation when urinating.

2. You may have a fever and a feeling of tiredness and shakiness.

3. You might feel the urge to urinate often despite having an empty bladder.

4. Urinating frequently but passing only small amounts of urine every time.

5. You may experience pain in your back or side below the ribs.

6. Urine may look cloudy or reddish.

7. You may experience pressure in your lower belly.

8. Urine may have a bad odour.

9. You may experience pelvic pain, especially in the centre of the pelvis and around the area of the pubic bone.

Symptoms Specific to the Part of Urinary Tract Affected

Explained below are symptoms specific to the part of the urinary tract affected:

1. Kidneys: When UTI infects kidneys, the common symptoms that patients experience include pain in the back or on the sides, a sense of shakiness and chills, nausea, and vomiting.

2. Bladder: The infection caused by UTI in the bladder leads to pressure in the pelvic region, discomfort in the lower belly, frequent and painful urination, and blood passing in the urine.

3. Urethra: The symptoms caused by the UTI infection in the urethra include having a burning sensation when urinating and discharge.

4. What are the Common Causes of Urinary Tract Infections?

As per Urologists in Mumbai, the following factors are the most common causes of UTIs:

1. Sexual Activity: Your chances of UTI increase when you are sexually active. A new sexual partner can potentially raise the risk further.

2. Use of Birth Controls: UTI risk may rise when using diaphragms for birth control. Similarly, using spermicidal substances can potentially increase the risk.

3. Menopause: The urinary tract alters during menopause due to a drop in circulating estrogen levels. UTI risk may rise as a result of these changes.

4. Blockages in Urinary Tract: Urine can accumulate in the bladder due to kidney stones or an enlarged prostate, raising the risk of UTI.

What are the Common Measures used to Prevent UTIs?

Listed below are some of the common preventive measures for UTI as recommended by Urologists in Mumbai:

1. Stay hydrated to aid the body flush out bacteria from the urinary system before the infection spreads.

2. After urinating or having a bowel movement, wipe from front to back. It aids in limiting the transfer of bacteria from the anus to the vagina and urethra.

3. Following the sexual activity, urinate.

4. Reduce using powders, sprays, and douching near the genital area.

5. Change contraception. Diaphragms, unlubricated condoms, or condoms treated with spermicide can encourage the growth of bacteria.

What are the Common Approaches to Diagnosing Urinary Tract Infections?

Urologists usually recommend the following approaches for UTI diagnosis:

1. Urinalysis: This test will examine for bacteria, white blood cells, and red blood cells in urine. The number of white and red blood cells in urine can help identify the infection.

2. Urine Culture: A urine culture can determine the type of bacteria in your urine. This test is important, as it helps choose the best course of treatment.

3. Cystoscopy: During this examination, a special tool called a cystoscope with a lens, and a light source is used to see within the bladder through the urethra.

What are the Common Treatment Methods used for treating UTIs?

The common treatments, as recommended by urologists, include the use of the following antibiotics:

1. Nitrofurantoin

2. Sulfonamides

3. Amoxicillin

4. Cephalosporins

5. Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole

6. Doxycycline

7. Quinolones

Note: Do consult your doctor before using these antibiotics.

A physician will recommend medications and doses based on the type of infection you have, which may be complicated or uncomplicated. If your symptoms persist after stopping antibiotics, a subsequent urine test can establish if the bacteria have been eradicated.

If the infection is still present, you should consult your doctor. You may need longer-term antibiotic therapy and maybe an IV.


Although UTI is a common illness that affects many people, women are more susceptible because of their biological features.

Despite being a prevalent illness, not everyone knows the signs, causes, and cures for this disease. The article presents pertinent facts on UTIs to raise awareness and assist readers in responsibly handling this problem.

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