The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing Campaigns

Social media marketing campaigns can be a great way to increase your visibility on social media and encourage people to take some action that you want them to take. In this post, we’ll go over what exactly a social media marketing campaign is and how you can put one together. You’ll learn how to create goals for your strategy and how to measure those goals along the way. We’ll also cover some best practices for getting started with your own campaign.

What is a social media marketing campaign?

Social media campaigns are marketing strategies that use social media to promote a product, service or idea. If you’re looking to drive traffic to your website and generate leads, setting up a social media campaign is an excellent way to do this. There are many different types of social media campaigns that can be used for different purposes:

·         A content strategy will help you create quality content that’s shared across the web and drives clicks back to your site.

·         An influencer campaign allows you to engage with influential bloggers who may have thousands of followers on their blogs or social networks. These influencers will share your content with their followers if it fits within their audience interests and knowledge base.

·         A retargeting campaign uses cookies stored in users’ browsers so that ads can be displayed when they visit websites other than yours (as long as those pages also use the same technology). This type of advertisement has proven effective because it shows people ads they’ve already seen before—and therefore more likely want something from—rather than spamming them with irrelevant offers every time they leave another page.

·          A contest brings attention from fans by creating a competition where people who enter stand a chance at winning prizes such as gift cards, gadgets or even free flights around the world!

Why run a social media campaign?

Social media campaigns are the perfect way to connect with your customers, find new ones, and build engagement.

You can use social media campaigns in a variety of ways:

·         Increase brand awareness by sharing company updates, videos and other content that helps create a positive image of your brand.

·         Increase customer engagement by asking questions, conducting polls or running contests on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

·         Drive traffic to your website by posting links on Facebook that direct readers directly to your site where they can learn more about you or purchase from you directly—no middleman needed!

How to create a social media campaign

·         Decide on your target audience.

·         Create a plan.

·         Set goals for your campaign.

·         Create a strategy in order to meet those goals, including:

• Types of content you’ll share (text-based or image-based)

• Frequency with which you’ll post new content

• How long each piece of content should be, and how often it should be posted (including how many times per day)

• Categories for different types of posts that are relevant to the specific goal(s) in mind; these could include “Events,” “Blog Posts,” etc., depending on what’s important for this particular campaign

·         Create a content calendar so that everyone involved knows when things need to happen each week/month/quarter/year—it helps prevent any delays from happening later down the road! This allows everyone involved with running their own social channels while simultaneously connecting them all together as well – making sure that nothing gets lost in translation by not having clear communication between departments within companies where employees might otherwise not know what others are doing until it’s too late!

·         Marketing campaigns should be set up by experts, such as Green Web Marketing. Otherwise, a lot of money can be spent, and the results can be absent.

The goals of your strategy

It’s important to know what you’re trying to achieve with your social media marketing strategy. The goals of your strategy should be specific and measurable, as this will help you determine whether or not the campaign is successful. It’s also good idea to keep track of these metrics throughout the campaign so that you can see how they change over time and make adjustments accordingly.

To help with goal setting, we recommend using a goal setting tool like SMART Goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable/Achievable, Relevant, Time-bounded). This method helps set actionable objectives by asking questions such as: “What do I want?” “How much money do I need?” “How many people do I want working on this project?”


Hashtags are one of the most popular and effective ways to get your message out there. Hashtags help you group conversations, find related content, and even promote your own content.

Hashtags can be used in a variety of ways: as a standalone tool for your brand or product; as part of a larger campaign; as part of an event (like a conference or expo); or as part of an ongoing series (like an interview series).

Landing page link

Once you’ve set up your ad campaign, you’ll need to have a landing page ready. This will be the website or app that people are directed to after clicking on your ad. The goal of this page is to keep them engaged long enough so that they become customers or make an inquiry.

To create a successful landing page:

·         Make sure it’s relevant to the ad. If someone clicks on an ad for archery lessons, don’t send him or her off to a page about camping gear instead.

·         Keep it simple and easy to navigate. You want as little friction as possible between seeing and clicking on an ad and reaching your landing page (and beyond).

·         Provide clear call-to-action buttons that help users reach their desired outcome quickly and easily—whether it’s signing up for a free trial, making an inquiry about pricing information or purchasing something directly from the site by filling out forms with their payment information already filled in when prompted.


Your timing is everything. Like most social media marketing campaigns, timing is key, and it can make or break a successful campaign.

Good timings for a social media marketing campaign include:

Use hashtags to promote for free advertising on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Hashtags are words or phrases preceded by the hash sign (#). They help people find your content on these platforms. Examples include “Happy #ValentinesDay” or “I love you #sister.”

Use holidays to increase your visibility on these platforms and get more engagement from users who will be posting about them anyway (and thus exposing themselves to your ads).

Avoid holidays if they don’t fit into your brand identity (like using New Year’s Eve when you sell dog food)

Campaigns can be very effective for spurring users to take some action that you want.

Social media campaigns can be very effective for spurring users to take some action that you want. Some campaigns may lead to more leads, some may generate traffic, and some might drive sales. Whatever your goals are, social media campaign planning will help you achieve them.

Social media marketing campaigns are a great way to reach your audience and drive them to take action. They’re also flexible enough that you can adapt them based on the needs of your business and your audience. With this guide, you now have everything you need to create an effective campaign that will help you achieve your goals!