Ortho K is better than any Surgical Treatment. See how?


This way of correcting your vision is ideal if you are not yet ready for surgery but would like to see clearly without the use of glasses or contact lenses during the day.

People with myopia between -1.0 and -6.0 diopters can use the procedure to achieve 20/20 vision throughout the day.

These are overnight contacts, which means you put them in before bed and remove them in the morning. You can see clearly all day long as if you’ve never had any eye problems, but you’ll need to put your glasses back on at night to maintain that level of clarity in the morning.

The process and lenses are together known as orthokeratology and corneorefractive treatment, respectively.

Orthokeratology, also known as “night vision correction,”

Corneorefractive therapy, also known as orthokeratology or Ortho-K, is a short-term solution for correcting refractive problems (myopia and astigmatism) with the use of specially designed contact lenses. Night orthokeratology, a novel approach to correcting poor eyesight, is gaining popularity nowadays.

Cornea Refractive Therapy is an effective and safe method of vision correction with no age restrictions beginning at the age of 6 and has been certified as such in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration and in the countries of united Europe by the European Certification Organization.

So, what exactly is orthokeratology?

Myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism can all be treated with the reversible approach of orthokeratology (OK-therapy), which involves the use of specially crafted gas-permeable contact lenses. American optometrists design and Italian opticians refine the night lenses used for vision correction at the Optic Center. Moscow-based company Doctor Lenses produces these types of eyewear. The method relies on the impact of the inner surface of the lenses while the user sleeps to rearrange the epithelial cells of the cornea, temporarily altering the shape of the cornea’s front half and improving vision.

The lenses are made specifically for usage at night, and their ultra-thin profile (only 0.22 mm) and lack of any noticeable discomfort make them virtually undetectable. Researchers have shown that using OK lenses over an extended period of time does not alter the architecture of corneal cells, and they have found no problems that cannot be anticipated and prevented.

When it comes to restoring clear vision, both glasses and Ortho-K are equally successful. So why it is that Ortho K is able to slow the growth of myopia in children but glasses are not?

The key is in figuring out how to improve side vision as well as central vision. The macula, located in the retina’s geographic center, is responsible for the sharpest vision we experience. Although peripheral vision is important, it does not provide as clear a focus as our central vision does. The frequent shifting of our gaze to where we wish to view makes this difficult to notice.

Qualified optician optometrist says, the macula, located at the very back of the eye, is where you need the sharpest vision, and that’s exactly what glasses are designed to do. Single-vision glasses have been around for millennia, and their optics are based on the assumption that the eye is spherical. Myopic eyes have an oblong eyeball shape.