6 Strategies to Make Your Marketing Job Suck Less

With marketing strategies and innovations that change all the time, it’s a given that every marketer will face different challenges at some point in their careers.

Most marketers have the same goals, but the difficulty of aiming for any of these goals differs from one marketer to another. Some might find it hard to turn leads into customers, while others might find it hard to get people to visit their site. Whatever the problem, these challenges tend to make their marketing jobs a tough hurdle to deal with.

Fortunately, some strategies should help make your marketing job suck less. This includes the use of collaboration tools and the use of reliable SEO services, such as those offered by Local SEO Search. So, read on, as these are just some of the 6 strategies we’ve laid out below!

Repurpose Content

You may have noticed that as a marketer, one of your constant tasks is always to have content to promote, and this sucks, for sure. This is where repurposing content can enter and help.

For example, you might be asked to advertise a book. You can turn any part of the content into a short teaser blog post. This will help you spread the word about the content and make sure you always have at least one or two blog posts every week.

You can also give your graphic designer a blog post that has already been written and ask them to turn it into an infographic. After all, most users would rather watch a video than read a 2,000-word blog post.

By reusing content, you don’t have to wait for people to write blogs for you every week, which they might not enjoy doing. It also gives you content to use during slow weeks when a new piece of content is delayed or pushed back because of another round of edits.

Plan before putting it into action

Do you write blogs just because it’s a part of your job? Did you use Local SEO Search’s SEO services for the campaign? Did you make it based on the campaign strategies for the product or service you are trying to sell?

We can’t say enough about strategy’s importance before taking action. It’s imperative to devise a good and effective strategy and let all the important people know what you’re working on so that the execution goes smoothly. Plus, you will no longer have to go through too many rounds of revision.

Don’t just do projects to get more traffic or leads. Instead, keep that strategy in mind and use campaigns to put it into action. If you have a clear plan, you’ll spend less time fumbling and mumbling and more time getting things done. And this will make your marketing job suck less.

Be Transparent

Everyone talks about how marketing should be honest, but what does that even mean?

Being transparent when marketing your business means you tell your audience what you’re going to do and then do it. People will talk about you whether you like it or not because social media is a big part of marketing. This makes it easier because people will talk about you whether you like it or not.

Even though it seems complicated to deal with transparency, you can use it to your advantage to make your marketing job suck less. How? When you have a transparent way of marketing your company, it takes less time to convince potential customers that you’re great because they can already see your company’s culture, read great reviews, and so on. A transparent marketing plan isn’t easy to make, but it can pay off and make it easier for your target customers to trust you or the company you are marketing for.

Use tools that help people work together

As marketers, we have a lot of tasks to do. There are tasks in which you are not the only person involved. Some tasks involve other people. So, if you want to delegate tasks well at your marketing job, you must use tools to help people work together. Trello is one of the apps you can use. Trello is a tool for working together that uses boards to organize your projects. Trello shows you at a glance what is being worked on, who is working on what, and where something is in the process.

The best thing about Trello is that many people can change the board at once. So, you could set up a board with your content and the different implementation stages, and people working on it could move it through the various stages of production. So, you can always check in on the board and make sure everyone is on the same page.

Working together makes a dream come true

A good marketing team is a surefire way to make your marketing job suck less. You may not be able to choose who is on your team, but if you work together and get along with the people on your team, it will make things better for you. Treat your team as your partners when it comes to helping your clients reach their goals.

Take Risks

When it comes to jobs in marketing, getting ad clicks is almost never a sure thing. But if you stay in your comfort zone, things will definitely suck for you because you won’t be trying new things that will make your job fun. So, if someone on your team has a risky idea, you should always consider putting it into action and not worry about failing. 

One example of taking risks is utilizing SEO services, such as the one offered by Local SEO Search, to help your client reach a wider audience. This idea can be risky, especially if you don’t know how SEO works. But once you take a risk and learn more about SEO, you will soon realize how it can be instrumental in your client’s campaign. You can gain a wider reach for an equally wide range of products and services, no matter what industry you’re in, whether you’re offering bus tours in Toronto or tutoring or academic coaching services offered by or even nail supplies in Toronto.

You should be brave enough to follow through on risky marketing ideas even if you’re scared. Even if your marketing plans fail, the worst thing that can happen isn’t that bad, and most people will move on.