Tips to do Rockspace WiFi Extender Placement

Do you know – even the best Rockspace range extenders struggle due to the wrong placement? That’s right! Various obstructions hamper your repeater’s access to the internet. Not just that, even the WiFi signals suffer due to poor placement. With that being said, we have prepared a basic guide to help you with Rockspace range extender placement.

Excited? Great! Let’s begin with the very basic tips that you can apply even during the Rockspace WiFi extender setup process. Therefore, you should learn by getting through the tips given below. Read on. 

How to Place Rockspace Range Extender?

Choose Central Location

Most often, the Rockspace extender is placed in a corner to ensure it stays away from children. However, it is not recommended. Rather than a corner placement, you need to select the central location in your house. 

It permits the free flow of WiFi signals. Rather than being wasted in a corner, the central location allows WiFi signals to move in each direction. Hence, you must put your repeater in the center of your house so that you can access the internet from any corner.

Close to Router

The quest to how to setup Rockspace WiFi extender also depends on router placement. Why? Well, because your Rockspace extender needs the router’s WiFi signals to extender the home WiFi network. Therefore, if the router is out of repeater bounds, there will be difficulty in accessing router signals.

So, when you choose a location in your house to place your repeater, make sure it is closer to the host router. If possible, they should be connected using a wired connection. During the wireless connection, bring the repeater closer to your host router.

Keep the Device Higher

The low repeater placement has nothing to offer you when it comes to a seamless internet connection. It would be more prone to external barriers. Therefore, during Rockspace WiFi extender placement, you should raise your repeater.

Why? The range extender transmits WiFi signals in unilateral directions. That means the range extender signals won’t change directions. Rather, you need to be in the right location. So, keep the device such that you get maximum area coverage. 

Minimal WiFi Interferences

During Rockspace repeater placement, there should be minimal interference. What do you mean by that? It means that your range repeater signals should not be hampered with due to external factors. Why? Well, if there are outer barriers, your home WiFi internet experience will perish.

So, you have to know what can cause high WiFi interference. For instance, heavy electrical gadgets are the major culprits. Therefore, you need to keep your range extender away from such devices.

Mind the Area Coverage

The most important point that you need to consider when you set up Rockspace WiFi extender is the area to be covered. Furthermore, you should know whether you want to cover the first floor or not. Also, what about the basement area?

Each element is going to decide where you will be placing your range repeater. If the placement is not right, you won’t be getting adequate speed and connectivity. So, you need to ensure how much area you have to cover.

Get Away from Windows

People think placing the range repeater in a window is beneficial. However, do you know that windows are easy ways for signals to get lost? It means the signals transmitted from your repeater can get out of your house.

Therefore, you need to ensure that does not happen. For that, you must place the Rockspace repeater away from the windows in your house. 


As you can see, numerous factors can decide a lot about Rockspace repeater placement. If something hampers the extender’s signals, your whole setup would be worthless. So, get through each element before setting your repeater at a place.