What is the correct Way to Write A Good Joke?

A lot of people are not good at writing Deez nuts joke. They might have a solid joke or a really creative idea that they think is going to make them famous on the internet, but they never realize it because they can’t write jokes. They never learn how the basics of writing a joke go, so they can’t improve their writing. This guide will teach you how to write a good joke.

A good joke is a lot like a well-crafted story. It may seem simple at first glance, but once you start digging into the layers, you’ll realize it’s much deeper than it appears on the surface. In order to write good ones, you must make sure that every sentence is intentional and purposeful.

One mistake many inexperienced joke writers make is trying too hard to be funny without taking their jokes seriously. This often leads to humor that sounds forced or trying too hard and ultimately not being believable or enjoyable to read. If a joke is forced, it’s immediately obvious. When trying too hard to be funny, the humor is likely to sound amateurish and weak.

The best jokes have a natural and intuitive flow that comes across as spontaneous and easy to read (those are qualities of good storytelling). When the reading experience feels comfortable and effortless, the reader does not have anything to question or analyze (because it’s natural).

Know your audience

The first, most important step is to know who you’re writing for. Sure, everyone likes a good joke, and humor should be shared wherever it’s appropriate — but when writing jokes for an email newsletter or blog post with an audience of one hundred thousand readers, you need to tailor your jokes accordingly. Is the article humorous? 

Do they want puns or hard-hitting comedy? If their reader base skews older than yourself, it’s probably best not to include crude language in your jokes. If they thrive on scandalous content and explicit themes then laying those cards on the table might work well too.

If you’re writing for a group of medical students, knowing their interests and hobbies might help you write jokes that they would enjoy reading. If you’re writing jokes for a group of talk radio listeners, you might want to focus more on political humor rather than tackling topics that are considered taboo by most Americans (for example: the war in Iraq). Be careful not to make offensive jokes just because they’re controversial, however.

If you know who you’re writing for, you’ll be able to start developing a specific style and tone for the jokes. If you write for a news organization, your style will lean in one direction — toward hard news and factual reporting — as opposed to humorist or satirist.

 Know the subject matter

Develop your material

If you’re writing comedy based on a particular topic then it’s important to get a firm grip on that subject so that references and wordplay are more accurate. 

This is especially true if you are making up jokes about historical events. (Historical events often have a way of surviving the test of time, whereas characters and events in fiction tend to fade away and become forgotten.)

Think outside the box

If you’re writing jokes for a particular type of person, then start thinking about the things that they own. If you’re writing a joke about a politician buying an exotic cat, then think about what other politicians might have. (World leaders are notorious for being crazy cat lovers, so that could be fun.) 

You can also use animals to further your joke: if your readers don’t like dogs or cats, how about an elephant in the White House? The point is to think creatively and write jokes in ways that surprise and impress your readers.

Be a punster

Don’t plan ahead too much; take it one joke at a time. Just write a joke for one person and then read it to someone else to get his reaction. If it’s good, then write another joke for somebody else. If your jokes are good enough, they will find their way into future content.

Think of your jokes as stories

Your jokes are actually very similar to stories: they should have a beginning, middle and end and even a beginning point that leads up to the joke itself (“A man walks into a bar…”). They should also have a purpose and be useful to your readers.

Write on the fly

Write everything in a matter of minutes, but don’t worry if you don’t get it right away. Even if you’re only writing one joke a month, if it’s funny, then it will make its mark.

Think of the bad jokes first

Most people write their best jokes first, but for good reason — the terrible ones appear later in their drafts and take much longer to improve upon. So, begin with your worst jokes and then gradually move on to better material one step at a time (like an artist painting).

Use familiar topics

If you’re having trouble writing jokes about a particular topic, think of jokes that you already know — ones that you’ve heard before — and then try to make them your own. Just make sure to add your own spin and twist, tweak a detail or two as needed, and then work until the joke is better (and usually funnier) than the original. This is a common technique for many comedians, most notably Jim Carrey.

Begin with a set up :

The set up is the idea that leads to the punchline. It’s usually an awkward or uncomfortable situation your character finds themselves in.

Throw in some twists : A twist is a sudden turn of events that drives the story forward, changing everything and sometimes even turning it on its head.

Balance it out with humor 

Humor can make anything more interesting, especially if you’re dealing with dense or dry topics like math or science, and it deflects criticism when done right! It can also reduce anxiety and stress levels by activating our “happy” brain chemicals like dopamine and serotonin.


The key to good joking is consistency. Write often and make sure to read your work aloud so that you can hear how it sounds. If you can’t easily pronounce the joke, then change a word or two so that it flows naturally.