Best ways to advertise your business on the street sign locations

Best ways to advertise your business on the street sign locations

It is not a secret that street signs are an old-fashioned way of advertising your business. At the same time, it’s one of the most effective ways to promote your product or service. The street sign is usually cheaper than any other type of media and you have a chance to communicate with virtually everyone passing by these street signs.

If you want to be more creative, street banners might also be a good option for advertising purposes. However, bear in mind that street banners can’t stand rain or wind so they need to be installed under some roof overhang – this will increase your cost as well as the installation process (each street banner requires special clips which require extra labour). On the bright side, street banners do attract people because such noticeable street signs are not usual.

As street signs are one of the most cost-effective options, they should be included in your marketing budget for street advertising. A street sign can serve a long time and will save you money on getting new customers.

Most effective street sign locations

  • The first street sign location that you have to choose is a street post or wall on which you want to install this street sign. Each street sign needs a sturdy base so it doesn’t fall down during strong wind gusts or after hard rainfall. Also, the best place to set up a street sign is under overhang as it protects from rain and sun. Keep in mind that if you put this street advertisement closer to the road, more people from cars will see it, but street sign closer to the sidewalk is going to attract pedestrians.
  • The second street sign location you have to determine is a street corner. If your street sign is attached to a street pole, street sign will be visible from both streets – this place attracts maximum attention from people driving or walking down the street. Keep in mind that if you attach street banner to a street lamp post or any other building structure, it won’t stand out as much as when it’s installed on a street pole. This type of street advertisement won’t really catch anyone’s attention because it isn’t very noticeable – unless you make sure the design and colour of your street banner stands out from everything around!
  • Keeping all these factors in mind will help you choose proper street sign locations for street banners or street post attachments. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different street signs until you figure out the most effective place to set up street advertisement.
  • Now that you have learned how street signs work, it’s time to get one of your own and attract more customers! While street banners are usually the cheapest option, street posts & walls are a great way to advertise your business on the street without spending too much money.

How do you choose between street banner vs street post? 

The best solution would be street posts & walls which are relatively cheap but still very efficient in getting attention. Street signage is an old-fashioned type of advertising, however this doesn’t mean it isn’t working anymore! If you want to promote your business on street, street sign is your best option. لعبة تربح منها المال


What street sign material is the cheapest?

The cheapest street sign material would be plastic street banners. At the same time, street posts & walls are going to be an average type of street advertisement. If you want a more durable street sign that can stand any weather, street posts & walls are the way to go.

Should I choose street banner or wall?

In most cases, it would be better to choose street post & wall over street signs because they don’t cost too much and will attract a lot of attention from people who walk by your business on a regular basis! كازينو Street signs won’t really manage to attract anyone’s attention as good as other types of advertising media do – however if you attach it in a right place, you can be sure street banner will catch some attention even though it won’t last long. موقع مراهنات كرة قدم


Street signs are great street advertisement which will work for you if put in right places. They are cheap, long-lasting and very noticeable. Don’t advertise with street banners only – street posts & walls are way better street sign choice!
