Hybrid Clinical Trials

Hybrid clinical trials include elements of both traditional and decentralised clinical trials which maximise the quality and rigor of the study results. As the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continues to change the landscape of medical research, Sponsors have embraced the benefits of both decentralised clinical trials and aspects of traditional trials (procedures performed at sites), believing that hybrid clinical trials combine the best of both worlds. 

The global rise in decentralised clinical trials has caused a common misconception that they will remove the need for physical sites and replace traditional clinical trial roles. However, despite all the ongoing technological advancements, only a small amount of clinical trials can be completely virtual. Most trials will require in-person site visits for tests and certain procedures. For this reason, hybrid clinical trials have become the optimal solution to clinical trial models. 

Benefits of Hybrid Clinical Trials 

The benefits of hybrid clinical trials include: 

Challenges of Hybrid Clinical Trials 

Some of the ongoing challenges of hybrid clinical trials include: 

Decentralised and hybrid clinical trials have become a growing reality, especially in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sponsors, Investigators, Contract Research Organisations (CROs) and the rest of the clinical trial staff will continue to adapt to the changes in the research and medical industry. Although there are ongoing issues while adapting to decentralised and hybrid clinical trial models, the benefits far outweigh any possible challenges and more Sponsors are planning highly-effective hybrid and decentralised clinical trials. What is most important to clinical trial staff is that there are strong site relationships, open communication and an understanding of everyone’s capabilities and resources which should apply to all clinical trial models. 

Most people view hybrid clinical trials as the ‘best of both worlds’ when it comes to clinical trials. As only a very small percentage of clinical trials can be fully virtual, hybrid clinical trials provide the perfect solution which is reflected in their growing popularity that will surely continue long after the COVID-19 pandemic is over. 

Novotech CRO is proud to be supporting development in clinical research with its virtual and hybrid clinical trial solutions that take advantage of the many regional advantages the Asia-Pacific region provide.