How to Beat Depression in the Simple Way

The First Question is, what is a depression?

Everyone who experiences a temporary mood disturbance of varying severity from time to time should not be described as having clinical depression. The phrase ‘depression’ is often used to describe everyday fluctuations in our state of mind, for example, the weather or professional activity. In its medical sense, however, ‘depression’ is something different from a temporary mood disturbance. Clinical depression is something that can severely impair our lives and require professional treatment.

Depression is an illness that affects thinking, feeling and acting, involves disturbances in bodily functions and is associated with considerable suffering. As a rule, it is not possible to overcome depressive moods and loss of interest and drive on your own; however, there are effective treatment options through medication and psychotherapeutic interventions. IV ketamine infusions are just one example of a highly effective medication therapy.  But with our methods you have the possibility to fight this depression!

Some Symptoms of Depression

You’re experiencing a major depressive episode if you’re feeling depressed most of the time and experience five or more of the following symptoms at least some of the time:

Some people who are depressed don’t have thoughts about suicide, and others who are suicidal may not even be feeling sad all the time. If you’re depressed, you should still reach out for help, even if you haven’t exhibited any particular signs of being suicidal, or if your symptoms aren’t as severe as those listed here. 

Which Foods Can Help Fight Depression? Our 3 favorites


Most people know that walnuts have a high fat content, but they might not know how beneficial it is for their heart. Walnuts are a great source of omega-3 and protein to keep your blood sugar levels under control. Because it is known that omega-3 can help against depression.

Eating walnuts may help lower stress levels, lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. One study found that depression scores were 26% lower among those who consumed about 1/4 cup of walnuts per day.

If you’re looking for a great snack to help you stay on track during the day, this is it! Nutrition Tip: Walnuts are high in monounsaturated fats and protein. They are also a good source of fiber and antioxidants.


Wild-caught fish like salmon, mackerel, trout, sardines, and tuna (not canned) are great choices for helping to fight depression because they are rich sources of omega-3 fats.

Omega-3 fats are very important for brain health. They are also involved in regulating the activity of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is important in regulating mood.

Previous studies have shown that eating fish can be helpful for people suffering from depression. The researchers looked at 26 studies to see if this is true, and found that people who eat more fish are less likely to experience symptoms of depression.

Griffonia Beans – The African black bean

Beans are a great source of protein and fiber. They’re also a good source of folate. Folate is a B vitamin that helps the body make red blood cells and metabolizes proteins.

When the pods are ripe, the seeds they produce are dried and then made into Griffonia. They are used to relieve the symptoms of anxiety such as panic attacks, moodiness, depression, migraine, disturbed sleep and a lack of serotonin. They also relieve the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal

The difficulty with sleep – Too much is bad – but also too little

Slept Badly – It´s not good for you

Anyone who has difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep often feels powerless and worn out during the day. This often results in a depressive phase. Those who try to escape from it through sleep often get even more depressed. It’s not really possible to tell whether lying down after a rest will help you or hinder you from feeling refreshed. Both possibilities are true. If you let yourself fall asleep instead of doing anything else, you might achieve the opposite – you may feel worse instead of feeling better.

If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, you might want to make changes that you think will improve your situation. There are different approaches. You can start with one of the following: Exercise, which is an effective way of relieving stress, and helps you sleep better at night. Meditation, which will calm the mind, reduce stress, and improve sleep quality. Massage, which reduces stress and improves relaxation. Nutrition, which is a key element of the body’s healing process. Exercise Exercise is an important factor in improving sleep. It has many positive effects on the body. For example, it reduces stress and anxiety, improves blood circulation, and strengthens the immune system.

To much sleep is not good

According to a new study by the Depression Research Center of the German Depression Aid Foundation, too much time spent in bed has a negative impact on mood. In a pilot project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, researchers have used a digital daybook to show that too much time spent in bed has an adverse effect on depressed patients. The researchers worked with IT partners to design an app for this purpose. 22 depressed people recorded their sleep and bedtimes for almost half a year. Their sleep was more disturbed than usual, and their symptoms of depression were more severe during the night than during the day.

The study was conducted as part of the depression research project “Depression in Primary Care – Depression in Practice” (DIP-C), which is being conducted at the Institute for General Practice and Health Services Research at the University of Freiburg Medical Centre in cooperation with the German Depression Aid Foundation and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The project has been funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research since 2009. The research project focuses on the relationship between depression, its causes and consequences, and the treatment of depression. It also addresses the role of primary care physicians in the prevention and early detection of depression. The project’s results will be published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine. Sleep problems are often associated with depression. But the causes of this connection have not yet been completely clarified.

Less sleep is better – it can help to fight the depression

A new study shows that sleeping for less than six hours is linked to an increased risk of depression in the long term. Those who sleep for only five hours per night are twice as likely to become depressed over a five-year period. “In order to prevent or treat depression, sleep hygiene and the development of individual therapy recommendations can be derived for the affected patients, if they understand for themselves the connection between depression and bedtime,” says Prof. Ulrich Hegerl, chairman of the German Depression Aid Foundation and holder of the Senckenberg Professorship at the University of Frankfurt/Main.

Sleep deprivation has an antidepressant effect

Most patients who undergo treatment with sleep deprivation report that their mood improves dramatically over the next few hours. Depressed patients are kept awake for the night and for a portion of the next morning. The majority of patients experience an immediate improvement in their mood, which is usually accompanied by an almost immediate drop in their energy levels. Although it’s only temporary, sleep deprivation helps people with depression feel hopeful again. Exercise gives us a natural high, which makes us tired. It also takes away our ability to focus, which counters the high levels of wakefulness we experience during depressive episodes.

The key to success in sleep deprivation therapy is to stick with it. You need to stay up for a minimum of three nights, and it may be more effective to stay up for four nights. There’s no clear evidence that one technique is superior to another, but most experts believe that keeping your sleep schedule as close to the natural one as possible is optimal. The first night you’re awake is often the hardest, so if you have difficulty falling asleep, you can try taking a dose of melatonin, or perhaps a mild antidepressant such as trazodone (Desyrel). The most important factor in making sleep deprivation successful is to have a good support system. The people who are closest to you will be the first to notice if you’re not doing well, and they’ll be able to help you through the tough times. When you wake up in the morning, lie there quietly for a few minutes, breathing slowly and deeply.

Learn to help yourself through depression. Here are five things to try:

When you are depressed, it’s best to get help from a therapist. Therapists can also give you help for the depression as well as help you cope with it.

You may have to go through many sessions before you find the right therapist for you. Get a hobby. It doesn’t have to be a big hobby like gardening or painting. A simple hobby that gives you a sense of accomplishment and brings you joy will do.

Here are five things you should do to get feel better. These five simple steps can help a lot.

1. Wear jewelry with gemstones.

There are many things that help against depression. We have already listed some of them. But there are many more things you can do. Another point is, for example, wearing jewelry with special gemstones. These often have a healing effect. This effect is not scientifically proven but is felt by many people and also confirmed. The opal, for example, can make the wearer very happy by bringing him into harmony with himself. He thus increases the belief in themselves, as well as the will for self-realization, but also associated acceptance, sense of community and the ability to communicate. Thus, wearing opal jewelry help against depression. Here we recommend wearing a pendant.

2. Movement:

Walk briskly for 15 to 30 minutes. Or you can do yoga, dance, or stretch. Depressed people may not feel much like being active. But if you force yourself, you will eventually find that you are able to. If you need a push, ask a friend to join you. You will find that any activity is better than doing nothing at all. A good exercise routine will help you to stay in shape and keep your depression under control. Do it even if you don’t feel like it. Remember that you have the power to control what goes on in your life. You can choose to exercise or not. You can choose to be happy or not. You can choose to do something or not. You can choose to exercise or not.

3. Do not dwell on unnecessary problems

Many people become so preoccupied with their problems that they focus on what they can’t change. When you feel depressed, it’s important to acknowledge and accept that you’re having a hard time, but it’s also important to talk about what you can do to improve your mood and get back to feeling better. You can talk to family members, friends, and counselors.

4. Develop self-confidence and express yourself

When you have depression, life seems very dark and hopeless. You may feel that there is no way out of your depression. This is not the case. There are many ways to overcome depression. These steps will help you understand your depression, how to overcome it, and how to make your life more positive. If you are bored or depressed, take a walk, sing a song, write a poem, chat with friends, play a game, do some gardening, go swimming, play a musical instrument, or write music. Get involved in a sport, watch a comedy, do something to cheer yourself up. Even a little! That helps turn depression around.

5. Healthy food

When you’re depressed, sometimes you don’t feel much like eating. You may overeat or not eat enough. But what you eat can affect your mood and energy. It’s important to eat right for most people with depression. For most people, that means plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Keep in mind that it’s best to avoid foods with added sugar, simple carbs, and fast food. Don’t go for too long without eating. Even if you don’t feel hungry, eat something light and healthy.

Stress also plays a role in how you feel about eating. Eating is one of the few times you can relax and forget about your worries. If you’re worried about what you’re eating, you’ll be more likely to have trouble making healthy choices. Make eating a positive experience. If you’re worried about your weight, focus on eating foods that make you feel good. If you’re worried about your family or friends, focus on enjoying the food you eat. Eat mindfully and enjoy your food. What about medication? There are many types of antidepressants that work differently in different people. It’s important to find the right medication for you.