How does a wireless thermostat work?

Managing the utilities involves a lot of tasks that can be pretty troublesome for a family. However, the good news is that the main challenges of adjusting the temperature can now be done with the tip of your fingers. Yes! We are talking about a Wireless Radiator Thermostat. A wireless thermostat allows you to adjust your home temperature while saving money— all via your smartphone or any other tech gadget. 


Today, we are going to discuss all this advancement in technology which is adding to the comfort of your place. 

Wireless thermostat

Because heating and cooling account for almost half of the average power bill, individuals wanting to save money on energy frequently turn to smart technology: In fact, a new wireless thermostat is often the first item installed in a home. Like other smart gadgets, wireless thermostats let you manage the temperature of your house from anywhere in the world using a mobile or internet-connected device. However, this one-of-a-kind feature makes operation more accessible, allowing for more control over heating and cooling and, as a result, energy savings.

How Does It Work?

Wireless thermostats are made up of three main parts: One of the parts connects directly to your HVAC system. This component interacts directly with the thermostat controller, and it is the second component. Finally, the programmed application, installed on your smartphone, mobile device, or computer, is the third and final component of a ‘smart’ thermostat. With a wifi or internet connection, this great trinity of technology allows you to change house temps from anywhere, from the couch to the beach. While these “basic” features are what make a wireless radiator thermostat work, some higher-end models may include features like one is smart “learning” models that don’t require programming. Another is smartphone tracking that adjusts temperatures as family members get nearer, or additional sensors for located temperature control and managing to improve energy savings.

Know different thermostat types

Analog (Mercury) Thermostats: tried-and-true option

These thermostats, which are the cheapest (and oldest) choice, only work in your home and can be controlled with the touch of a finger. Unfortunately, temperature changes and measurements aren’t always accurate, and it shows up in your energy bill.

Digital Thermostats with one step advancement

The digital thermostat has a temperature probe that turns off your air-conditioning unit when your desired temperature is struck. These thermostats provide slightly more authority and improved temperature settings but no programming options.

Programmable Thermostats

Programmable thermostats are developed to provide you with more regulation over your thermostat, whether you’re at home or outside, allowing you to program it according to your schedule. Various options are available, including 7-day models with different programming for each day of the week, 5-day work weeks, 2-day weekend planning (5+2-day routine), and 5+1+1-concept for a variable weekend schedule. 

Though programmable thermostats claim to save 10% on energy a year, studies show that this is only true when homeowners choose the suitable model for their lifestyle and program it correctly, which is a common problem among programmable thermostat holders.

User-friendly wireless thermostats

Wireless thermostats, like programmable models, can save you up to 20-30% on energy bills and are an excellent choice for those customers who are unlikely to program a thermostat correctly. However, unlike programmable models, they are remote. Control the devices from anywhere using smartphones, mobile devices, or voice-activated home automation systems like Siri or Alexa (Google home). 


In addition, it offers a slew of extra features, such as energy usage reports, that can help you spot additional cost-cutting opportunities. The latest’ smart learning’ models are simple and require very little user input or programming.

Easy to install feature

As long as you have a well-installed thermostat wiring, thereafter installing a wireless thermostat is non-complex. First, test the wiring by taking off the existing thermostat cover. A thermostat C cable is required. You should be able to upgrade your old thermostat with a new wireless radiator thermostat as per the manufacturer’s instructions if you notice a wire marked with a C and additional wires labelled with W, R, Rc, or Rh.

Generally, all you have to do is simply turn off the thermostat, remove the old thermostat, connect the cables to your wireless thermostat, replace the thermostat faceplate, turn on the electricity, and follow the program instructions as directed by the maker.


A wireless thermostat could save you money if you have an analog relic or an older digital thermostat version live on the go or are forgetful and keep the AC or heater operating on high even if you’re not at home. So this summertime, you can stay pleasant and relaxed without having to spend a lot on air conditioning. Install a wireless radiator thermostat with Tado, a single-window destination to meet all your room temperature issues and get unparalleled control over the temperature in your house.

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